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已有 673 次阅读2007-11-10 14:14

       郴州市位于湖南省东南部,现辖北湖、苏仙二区、资兴一市、桂阳、永兴、宜章、临武、嘉禾、汝城、安仁、桂东八县。总人口460万,总面积1.94万平方公里。市内山灵水秀、风光旖旎,是中国优秀旅游城市、湖南省卫生城市和园林城市。郴州历史悠久,人文荟萃,自古有“天下第十八福地”之美称。    郴州毗邻广东,靠近港澳,是湖南省的“南大门”和粤港澳的“后花园”。郴州交通便捷,京广铁路、京珠高速公路及106、107国道以及在建的武广高速客运专线、厦成高速公路贯穿全境,南下广州、深圳,北上长沙、武汉均可朝发午至。全市高速公路和二级公路达到615公里。    郴州拥有湖南省唯一的国家级出口加工区和6个省级开发区,建有全省惟一的二类公路口岸。郴州营商成本低廉,投资政策优惠,是湖南省最具活力的城市之一。郴州正朝着建设“经济强市、生态大市、旅游名市”的目标迈进。    chenzhou――a fortunate city in southern china       situated in southeastern hunan province, chenzhou municipality has jurisdiction over 2 districts of beihu and suxian, 1 county-level municipality of zixing, and 8 counties of guiyang, yongxing , yizhang ,linwu, jiahe, rucheng, anren and guidong, it has a total population of 4.60 million and covers an area of 19,400m2.  characterized by breathtaking waterscape and landscape, chenzhou is awarded as top tourist city of china, and hunan provincial sanitary and gardening city. chenzhou ha* **perienced a long history with distinguished people, and enjoys a reputation as “the 18th fortunate place under heaven”.       bordering guangdong and close to hong kong and macao, chenzhou is a southern entrance to hunan and a rear garden for guangdong, hong kong and macao. chenzhou has good transport facilities, in which the beijing-guangzhou railway, the beijing-zhuhai expressway, no106 and no107 national road, and the wuhan-guangzhou high-speed railway are all crossing getting to southern guangzhou and shenzhen, and northern changsha and wuhan, will be available in a half day. it* **pressway and second-grade road is up to 615km.    chenzhou has the only one national export processing zone in hunan and 6 provincial developing zones, and has set up a second-grade road port without exception in hunan. with the incentive investment policies and low cost of business, chenzhou is one of the prosperous cities in hunan. chenzhou is toward to the goal of a city with a powerful economy, eco-logical surroundings and attractive sightseeings.   马踏飞燕   莽山1 莽山2 东江湖1 东江湖2 [img]about:blank[/img] 东江湖3 仰天湖1 五盖山 飞天山1 飞天山2 永兴便江龙华寺1 永兴便江龙华寺2 温泉 北湖公园 ★苏仙岭风景区位于郴州城内。(天下第十八福地)美食有:玉兰片(采用当地未出土的嫩冬笋制作而成) ★仰天湖大草原位于郴州市诚南方向直距30公里处。(南方高山草原)美食有:野山菇、山崖菜、云丝芽银等等 ★东江湖风景区位于郴州市资兴市。(东方瑞士)美食有:东江三文鱼、桂鱼、石斑黄鸭等等 ★莽山风景区位于郴州市宜章县南部的五岭群山中。(国家森林公园)美食有:野猪肉、蘑菇类等等 ★飞天山风景区位于郴州市苏仙桥口镇境内。(国家地质公园)美食有:凤凰野鸡肉等等 ★五盖山风景区位于郴州郴县的东南部 (江南唯一国际狩猎场)美食有:其中有狩猎价值的动物水鹿、野猪、麂子、毛冠鹿、青羊、大灵猫、貉、豹、猫、鼬、獾、狸、豪猪、野兔、鹰、鸢等均可食用 ★★其中还有很多美景美食、美景:王仙岭风景名胜区 、万华岩  、永兴便江、九嶷山、炎帝陵、桃源洞、东塔岭、南塔岭、龙女温泉、悦来温泉、天堂温泉、汝城温泉山庄、相山瀑布、五岛一村、翠江风景区等等美味:嘉禾三味辣椒 ,临武鸭, 桂阳血鸭、米粉鸭、汝城板鸭,坛子肉, 狗脑贡茶 ,“八面山”牌玲珑茶 、烧鸡公,嘉禾豆腐,天湖牛肉等等









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